The Francis Wayland Institute
Liberty · Property ·
Free Markets · Limited Government · Sound Money
P.O. Box 780671, Orlando, FL 32878
The Francis Wayland Institute exists for the purpose of propagating and defending
from a Christian perspective the ideals of liberty, property, peace, free markets, limited
government, and sound money. It is not a Bible
institute, a college, a seminary, a correspondence school, or a
school of any kind. The Francis Wayland Institute is a think tank in the
intellectual tradition of the nineteenth-century Baptist minister Francis
Wayland (1796-1865). The Institute is dedicated to making available online and
printed materials that
uphold the ideals of liberty, property, peace, free markets,
limited government, and sound money from a Christian perspective.
Francis Wayland's classic work on economics, The Elements of
Political Economy, is now available online in PDF
and Scribd,
as well as in a newly reset hardcover
The director of the Institute is Laurence
M. Vance. His article about Wayland called "Francis Wayland:
Preacher–Economist," which appeared in the Winter 2006 issue of the Independent
Review, can be seen here.
He is the author of War, Christianity, and the State; The Free Society; and
thirty-three other books. All books by Laurence M. Vance can be seen at Contact the director
Links to
Important Websites.